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Safe & Smile:) The Ultimate Anxiety Help

Feel fully supported, annihilating your anxiety together with me

1 hCarrer Gran Via

Service Description

The ultimate treatment to target & overcome anxious feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. (For all types of anxiety, general anxiety, social anxiety, anxiety-based addictions, phobias, performance anxiety, unwanted nervous habits, OCD, perfectionism, and more.) Utilizing a whole range of highly effective techniques, scientifically designed and proven, with powerful, evidence-based results. Together we can make anxiety a thing of your past. This intensive plan includes 12 online sessions (once a week initially) then spaced depending on progress. Sessions are 60 mins long and taken over a 4 month period, included is my weekly support via what's ap. Designed to set you free, this rapid change program focuses on 7 key areas to reprogram anxious feelings, behaviours, and thinking spirals and to help you to start doing your own way out of your prison. 1) Safety Phase Instant relief and stability, as you learn simple, powerful ways to diffuse & interrupt anxious feelings & thoughts. Easy ways to build these into your life and an exploration of how you are personally "doing" your anxiety, (triggers, scope & parameters of issues). We get you off the problem path and on the solutions path instead. Leave the very first session already feeling hopeful and most likely already noticing an emotional shift. 2) We uncover strategies to develop awareness and apply these directly into your life. With practice, in a short time, you can control & direct your momentary awareness (how, where, and when you focus), notice and swap your unhelpful observations and habits for helpful ones instead. 3) Examine behaviors that may hinder your recovery and build up your capability and confidence to start "Doing" your way out of your anxiety. You can be excited to start making actual life changes and feel proud of what you achieve. 4) Altering your perception of memories to use your own inner resources to heal past wounds, move on from anxiety-causing traumas and begin to love yourself enough to feel capable & whole. 5) Creating hope and expectation of the future. Powerful techniques to dispute and replace catastrophic and blathinking and learn to use your imagination in a more helpful way. 6) Symbolism & recoding of your mind. Shifting your internal and external voice. Creating helpful new symbols & states of mind. 7) Self Care, self-worth & self-esteem boosting. Learn to feel good about yourself. Price 1249 euros.

Cancellation Policy

Due to my schedule being very busy and some clients already waiting to be seen, if you need to cancel an appointment, please contact me as soon as possible to do so and certainly at least 24 hours before hand, to allow another client the opportunity to take your place. Thank you so much.

Contact Details

  • Pippa´s Clinical Hypnotherapy, CBT & Talking Therapy, Carrer Gran Via, El Toro, Spain

+34 615231617

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