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Anxiety Relief Program (6 Sessions)

Do you want to learn how to master your anxious thoughts and feelings?

1 hCarrer Gran Via

Service Description

This 6 session program is uniquely tailored to help you to overcome anxious thoughts or feelings. Suitable for all lifestyles, this program is designed to help you build up resilience skills, challenge your destructive and unhelpful thinking habits and spirals and shift your focus and perception of anxious feelings and sensations, so that you can learn to feel more easily calm and centered. Lose your fear of the fear, end panic and stop avoiding the things in life that you know you need to do to accomplish your dreams and goals. Together we use a range of modern techniques to enable and empower you to live a much more carefree and joyful life and to release you from the unhelpful habit of worrying, so we can remove those limitations holding you back in life. Program includes : - Up to 6 personal sessions over a period of 2 months - Weekly check-in with me via whats ap - Weekly challenges and tasks assigned to increase confidence, self-worth, and belief in your capabilities. - Price 450 euros

Cancellation Policy

Due to my schedule being very busy and some clients already waiting to be seen, if you need to cancel an appointment, please contact me as soon as possible to do so and certainly at least 24 hours before hand, to allow another client the opportunity to take your place. Thank you so much.

Contact Details

  • Pippa´s Clinical Hypnotherapy, CBT & Talking Therapy, Carrer Gran Via, El Toro, Spain

+34 615231617

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©2020 by Pippa Helps.

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