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FREE - Anxiety Relief - a trance-forming sleep meditatation - Butterfly Lullaby

FREE - Anxiety Relief - a trance-forming sleep meditatation - Butterfly Lullaby

A free to download, peaceful, hypnotic sleep aid, ideal for children and young adults (age 7 up). 


This beautiful hypnotic meditation is specially crafted for young minds, using gentle binaural beats music with metaphor and storytelling style to help them to drift off into a deep, peaceful, and transforming sleep.


Taken from my butterfly lullaby collection and specifically designed to help anxious little minds reframe the concept of uncertainty, this wonderful bedtime audio will hypnotically strengthen belief in your own ability to cope with life´s challenges, as well as including reinforcement of self-worth and resilience, as well as space fto perfectly practice your own favorite past time, and a reaffirming of the family´s unconditional love.


Encouraging a gentle drifting off to sleep and sound slumber with a peaceful and easy relaxing of the body and the mind. This meditation will fully engage little or not so little imaginations, to strengthen concentration and focus, and substantially increasing body and mind connection through mindful breathing and self-awareness.


Created using binaural music set at delta brainwave frequency, which assists to create deep sleep, dream status, and body repair, this enhances your state of awareness to allow deeper absorption and greater unconscious understanding of the metaphors and helpful hypnotic suggestions.


With a "choose your own adventure style", these meditations use hypnotic therapeutic language and techniques to strengthen the bonds between parent and child, and the butterfly lullaby collection can be played at night just as your child is falling asleep.


You can also request fully personalized and unique meditations incorporating your child´s own name, as well as names of family members, and focused and themed on their current interests or passions, with specific content to strengthen their ability to really enjoy activities or where they need or want extra support (sports, reading, concentration, playing music) or to heal specific and targeted issues that they require some gentle deep healing and affirmation to resolve. 


These can be created for you with simple relaxing background music (without any trance-inducing binaural beats) or, for those who prefer, a version without any music at all.


If you would like to request one of these alternative products, please contact me directly so that I can be of further assistance. 

  • Tailor made mediatations uniquely crafted for you

    A wonderful gift for your own child or for a friend, these lullabies can also be fully personalized with the child´s favourite theme, ideas, and names of family members.

    These uniquely tailored lullabies are crafted as a hypnotic aid to gently and subtly help children with more specific anxieties, such as stage fright, social anxieties, phobias, or any other challenges that the child faces that they need some gentle assistance to overcome.

    Through mental rehearsal in these relaxed states, these meditations can help them improve their performance in many other activities such as reading, dancing, and sports.  Please contact me for more information about these uniquely personalized lullabies for your child. 


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